ca. 1931
Viktor Schreckengost, Cowan Pottery
steaming splashing hot
chunks of tender chicken
some big, some small
afloat in reddish golden broth
steaming splashing hot
from the earth a bouquet
of diced white potatoes
orangey carrot bits
steaming splashing hot
from the farmer ribbed celery
hints of wilted white onions
kiss of aromatic golden turmeric
steaming splashing hot
from the potter orange bowl
circular sturdy openings
broth gurgling to the top
steaming splashing hot
from the grandson who cooks
peck for his pensive Paw Paw
reposing in gossamer glow
steaming splashing hot
Viktor Schreckengost’s “Jazz” punch bowl was commissioned by Eleanor Roosevelt for use by Franklin Roosevelt, the former governor of New York after he became president of the United States.
Flo Oy Wong wrote “Steaming Splashing Hot” when her grandson Ben and his father, Jon, stayed behind to provide Covid care after Christmas for herself and her husband Ed. “One night, Ben made a pot of delicious chicken soup with vegetables. He brought a bowl of soup upstairs to my bedroom. As he climbed the stairs, I heard him saying, “Steaming Splashing Hot.” When I heard him reciting “Steaming Splashing Hot” I knew what the title of my next poem, would be. “Steaming Splashing Hot.” The soup nourished me and then I wrote this poem.”
© 2021 Flo Oy Wong