Chukchi Woman
Lost in drifts of dawn
you walk and walk
With eyes of raven
and slits of obsidian
Don’t slip or blink
You’ll fall into the
mouth of the man-eater
Don’t sleep or awaken
inside the skin of a seal
or mouth of a tiger
Let your soul slip into
migrating geese and
see with ten thousand eyes
the past and future
Let your voice echo whales
calling their ancestors
across screech owls
Scoop darkness up with
both hands
Tie your soul
to antlers of reindeer
Watch thunder roll
Shake the forest leaves with your rattle
Elude darkness and
men with sunken eyes
who trap souls in nets and
steal your dreams as you
drift through fire and water
mix cloud, water and placenta
with earth to coax the first breath
of a child without memories
to shed your skin
on raven’s wings
© 2023 Genny Lim